Michael Keeping
2008-08-24 01:14:31 UTC
Is www.vicscan.org being updated anymore?
I see the forums have a nice little community going, but nothing is
being updated to reflect what is actually going on in Victoria.
Everyday it's becoming more and more outdated and there is a forum on
that very website with the users calling themselves "scanner
Also, why are each and every page showing the repeater output as TX
and the repeater input as RX? People in general listen to the
repeater, not the input. That is subject to change if an enthusiast is
doing some sort of research or tracking... but I mean who wants to
listen to dead frequencies? 90% of transmissions in my area are only
receivable by the repeater, people are often on the other side of
Melbourne and it takes the repeaters to pick them up...
While I don't have a problem with you pulling information out of the
ACMA database, do it so it's beneficial to scanner operators or don't
do it at all.
No offence but even Ash Geelan's old website is more accurate than
If only good old humpty dumpty could sit on the wall.
I see the forums have a nice little community going, but nothing is
being updated to reflect what is actually going on in Victoria.
Everyday it's becoming more and more outdated and there is a forum on
that very website with the users calling themselves "scanner
Also, why are each and every page showing the repeater output as TX
and the repeater input as RX? People in general listen to the
repeater, not the input. That is subject to change if an enthusiast is
doing some sort of research or tracking... but I mean who wants to
listen to dead frequencies? 90% of transmissions in my area are only
receivable by the repeater, people are often on the other side of
Melbourne and it takes the repeaters to pick them up...
While I don't have a problem with you pulling information out of the
ACMA database, do it so it's beneficial to scanner operators or don't
do it at all.
No offence but even Ash Geelan's old website is more accurate than
If only good old humpty dumpty could sit on the wall.