Mike From Newcastlescan
2008-10-13 10:09:14 UTC
Howdy all
After some consultation with several scanner hobbyists, newcastlescan now
has a forum. whilst it may sound locally based, Its intend it to be more
nationally and state based, BUT don't wish to step on anyone's toe, and
still support all other progressive sites, but with the demise of other
forums, it is just the time for us to do it, after all, Newcastlescan has
been up since 2001, and I have increased the overall hosting and traffic,
and it will continue to be around until....something happens to me.....
Getting involved now will help shape the forums and input is welcome as it
is live and its possible I've missed things, and hopefully it will be a
great place for like minded people to share and discuss
I personally invite the people I have met, MSN(ICQed) and or exchanged
emails with to join
After some consultation with several scanner hobbyists, newcastlescan now
has a forum. whilst it may sound locally based, Its intend it to be more
nationally and state based, BUT don't wish to step on anyone's toe, and
still support all other progressive sites, but with the demise of other
forums, it is just the time for us to do it, after all, Newcastlescan has
been up since 2001, and I have increased the overall hosting and traffic,
and it will continue to be around until....something happens to me.....
Getting involved now will help shape the forums and input is welcome as it
is live and its possible I've missed things, and hopefully it will be a
great place for like minded people to share and discuss
I personally invite the people I have met, MSN(ICQed) and or exchanged
emails with to join